For Adults in New York, Massachusetts & Vermont
Therapy for anxiety
Anxiety is a normal human emotion and experiencing stress for limited periods can help you cope. When you see a bus barreling down your way, stress helps you react fast and move to safety. When anxiety remains elevated for long periods, however, we tend to experience problems in our relationships, our careers, and even in our daily functioning.
Anxiety is common and it can be disabling. Fortunately, anxiety tends to respond well to psychotherapy. Anxiety therapy is one of the most researched and effective forms of therapy. Anxiety treatment can deliver tangible results, including reducing or eliminating panic attacks, racing thoughts, social anxiety, trauma, stress, and feeling constantly worried.
During our sessions, you’ll learn simple and effective ways to relieve your symptoms,the source. Together, we’ll work towards integrating past memories and experiences, moving through stuckness, and allowing healing.
An anxiety disorder is more than just anxiety
Occasional anxiety is part of life. Most people have some concerns — health, children, finances, or relationship problems. For people with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety persists over long periods and, often, spirals over time. The symptoms of an anxiety disorder can derail performance at work, limit academic success, and make it difficult to maintain relationships with friends or romantic partners.
Consider reaching out for therapy if you experience persistent anxiety symptoms that significantly interfere with your daily life, relationships, work, or overall well-being. Additionally, if you find it challenging to manage anxiety on your own or if it's causing significant distress, therapy can provide valuable support and coping strategies.
The decision to get help for anxiety is an act of self-affirmation – a testament to your inner strength. Therapy sessions can become a safe space to unpack your concerns, examine them with curiosity, and build coping skills that improve your life.
Symptoms that indicate you may need help with anxiety
Deciding whether to see a therapist for anxiety is a personal choice, but there are some signs that indicate you should consider getting help. Some common symptoms or feelings include:
My mind is always racing
Thinking, “I’m not good enough.”
I’m worried others don’t like me
I rehash how I interact over and over
I feel like I’m being judged for what I say, do, or wear
I can’t sleep
I frequently or always worry about
Losing my job
My partner leaving me/being alone in life.
Getting into trouble with finances
The future
My own safety
The safety of my children
Losing everything I’ve worked for
Panic attacks
Fear of speaking up in a group or meeting new people (social anxiety)
If you experience one or more symptoms, reach out for help.
What you can expect in therapy
During our sessions, we will work to provide relief so that you can live your life with more ease.
Mindfulness and other anxiety reduction techniques can build coping skills that enable you to have fewer, briefer, and less intense episodes of anxiety.
Talk therapy can help you gain insights into your challenges, help you understand what triggers anxiety, and help defuse some sources of anxiety.
Many clients find that Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a powerful complement to talk therapy. Some people who are not helped by talk therapy find that EMDR gets them unstuck.
Flash Technique (FT) is an evidence-based therapy that can reduce the hold that traumatic or distressing memories have on you, by quickly lowering the level of distress that these memories cause. Click here to read more about Flash Technique.
You are not alone if you struggle with anxiety
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), almost one in five U.S. adults experienced an anxiety disorder in the past year, with nearly one in five women struggling with anxiety. 38% of adolescent girls and 26% of adolescent boys experience an anxiety disorder.
The risk of experiencing an anxiety disorder may be increased by past experience of trauma, stressors at work or at home, and genetics – having family members who struggled with anxiety or mental illness.
Diagnosing an anxiety disorder
The symptoms of an anxiety disorder and depression often overlap. Effective diagnosis by a trained mental health professional who understands anxiety is the first step on the path to healing. I’m here to support you.
Anxiety therapy in New York. Help for anxiety in Vermont. Practical help for anxiety online.
You are more than a diagnosis
While I understand and respect the importance of diagnosis for creating a treatment planning roadmap, I don’t encourage you to identify yourself by your diagnosis.
Instead of saying, “I’m an anxious person,” I would encourage you to take a more self-compassionate approach. Such as, “I struggle with anxiety symptoms” or “I sometimes/often experience anxiety.” A subtle but powerful reframe!

Who Can Benefit From EMDR Therapy?
EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy that helps you to integrate upsetting and traumatic experiences.
I’m an EMDR Certified Therapist. I work with clients experiencing the following: anxiety, panic attacks, chronic Illness and medical issues, grief and loss, attachment trauma, intergenerational trauma, performance anxiety, sexual assault, sleep disturbance, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other trauma and stress-related issues.
The American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs/Dept. of Defense, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the World Health Organization recognize EMDR therapy as an effective psychotherapy.

Grief is an individual experience. Move through your loss at your own pace.
Whether you’re struggling to grieve your loss, feeling like you’re going through the motions with no relief, or are unsure what moving through a loss looks like, you’re not alone.