Pet Loss & Companion Animal Support
Pet Loss Therapy
For people whose animal companion has passed or is missing.
Your relationship with your beloved companion animal is personal to you. Even when others relate or empathize with this deep bond, only you and your companion know its depths. It’s one of the many pieces that makes the relationship so special.
A cruelty of this world is how short our companion animals' lives are. If our pet lived a full life, we’re told not to feel badly and how lucky we are to have had so many years together. If our animal died at a young age or went missing, we’re told we should get a new one.
While often said with good intentions, these suggestions can leave us feeling unheard and alone. Minimizing and replacing don’t take into account that this unique relationship cannot be replaced. Every relationship will be unique because each human and creature is unique. If we decide to bring a new companion animal into our lives, that will also be a unique relationship.
Support for owners of:
Household Pets
Guide Dogs
Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
Therapy Dogs
Farm Animals

As with all losses, there isn’t a timetable for mourning the loss of your companion.
The loss may feel unsurmountable and you may be feeling a variety of emotions. What's most important is allowing yourself to feel the loss.
What to Expect
During our work together you can expect a supportive and deeply empathetic environment and as much time and space as you need to just be. Taking it one moment at a time is all we can do as we move through the storm. Be kind to yourself. You are not alone. Please reach out.

Grief is an individual experience. Move through your loss at your own pace.
Whether you’re struggling to grieve your loss, feeling like you’re going through the motions with no relief, or are unsure what moving through a loss looks like, you’re not alone.