What is Flash Technique?

Flash Technique (FT) is an evidenced-based therapeutic intervention to lower the level of disturbance associated with upsetting or traumatic memories.

The process is seemingly simple, yet nuanced:

You’ll first describe the upsetting or traumatic memory to your therapist and rate your level of distress on a scale of 1-10. Next, you'll shift your focus and engage in a series of taps, blinks, and eye movements. Opposite from other trauma protocols that involve keeping the upsetting or traumatic memory front and center, once named, you’ll return to the memory only to lightly “touch” and report on your level of disturbance. Your therapist will guide you throughout.

To date, there are 11 studies showing the effectiveness of Flash. Sometimes Flash is used on its own and sometimes in conjunction with EMDR therapy. Processing traumatic memories by engaging in EMDR therapy and Flash Technique can also result in increased emotional space, making it possible to move through life’s inevitable stressors with more ease. 

Who can benefit from Flash Technique?

Flash Technique is a useful evidence-based intervention for adults and children who are experiencing anxiety, trauma, depression, and other mental health challenges due to an upsetting or traumatic event.

Reach out today

Ginny Paige, LCSW, offers psychotherapy for trauma, grief, anxiety, relationships, and other challenges in New York, Massachusetts and Vermont. We will tailor therapy to your needs, drawing on modalities such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Flash Technique, and mindfulness, in addition to talk therapy. Reach out today to schedule your complimentary consultation.


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